Crystal Mind Cover Reveal
June 20, 2020
Crystal Choice Cover Reveal
July 2, 2020Update
The Projector War Saga books (Crystal Mind, Crystal Choice, and Crystal Truth) have been pulled from distribution while I work on a second edition. They will be coming back even better than before! For more updates, subscribe to my monthly newsletter!

Crystal Mind
C rystal doesn’t want to hurt anyone ever again—but she can’t seem to stop. Memories of the past haunt her every step as one more reminder that she will never be normal. A normal girl wouldn’t see dangerous secrets when she met someone’s eyes. A normal girl wouldn’t create elaborate technology to escape her boyfriend. A normal girl would go to school without hurting people.
When Crystal gets expelled again for fighting, a mysterious family friend sponsors her into a martial arts academy. There, she finds that she may not be the only one whose mind is different, and that those differences may be more powerful than anyone could have imagined.
"Maybe you should avoid showing off. . . you never know who might be looking for you.”
-Earl West
C rystal Mind is the first book in the Projector War Saga. It serves as an introduction to a universe rather like our own, where being #neurodivergent really is a superpower.
Every young adult reaches a point in their life where they feel lost and alone. It's easy to feel like the world you are living in doesn't quite match up with the world everyone else sees. Reality is shifted slightly. Not enough for anyone else to notice, but enough to separate you from people who, in a different world, would be your friends. Crystal lives in this reality.
Join Crystal as she battles the shadows of a dark past in her quest to find a place where she is truly understood; a place where living in a slightly different world is not just amazing—it's powerful beyond belief.